Annual Report





Government College, Sidhrawali, District Gurugram, State Haryana- (India)

Annual Report 2023-24





May .2024                                                                                         Dr.Mahasweta-HES-I






Annual Report


College Profile: The College came into existence in July 1971 following the persistent demand from the public for setting up an institute which could cater to the educational requirement of the area. At the time of inception it was a privately managed co- educational institution which was governed by the ‘Baba Bhajle Ram Society, but was later taken over by the Government of Haryana on 11th February, 1981 as a part of its policy to bring the private colleges into the educational main stream of the state. It is now affiliated to Gurugram University, Gurugram (Haryana). Today this college has become a prime institute of higher learning in this educationally, socially and economically backward rural belt of Haryana.

The college is located in the lap of nature, having lush green lawns, trees and pollution free environment. The ambience of the college presents a great look with teaching blocks, open spaces and playgrounds, spreading in about 11 acres of land. Besides Administrative Block there are 20 class rooms and 10 faculty rooms well equipped with infrastructural facilities, one Girls Common Room, Staff Room etc. The laboratories in the department of Geography and Computer Science are well equipped and well furnished. Moreover, the college has an EDUSAT system and three smart class rooms. The college also has two B.A. computer Labs. Surveillance cameras (CCTV) are installed in all classrooms, different parts of the college building and campus to keep vigil on the activities of students and employees. Solar light is used to lighten the campus. The college offers three different streams i.e. Science, Commerce, Arts and post graduation in commerce with 10 departments. In the current academic session 2023-24 a total of 1131 students have been enrolled for B.A, BSc, B.Com and M.Com streams, having 613 boys and 518 girl students respectively.









B.Com I


B.Com II




B.Sc I






M.Com II



College Library: The College is proud of its beautifully maintained library. The institution has a well-stocked library having 19014 books. A number of periodicals, newspapers and magazines are also made available to the staff and students. Library is fully computerized. It has a big hall with a seating capacity of 70 students.

College Staff: The College has a team of fully qualified competent and devoted staff working under the dynamic leadership of Dr.Mahashweta, Principal. The students of different streams are taught by 20 highly qualified, professionally skilled and dedicated teachers. Seven qualified teachers are engaged on extension lecture basis out of which two are on deputation for three days in this college. The college has 22 sanctioned posts of ministerial staff. Currently 13 members are working on different posts as JLA, Computer Instructor, Comp lab attendant, Peons, Chowkidar, Mali etc.  


College Bursar: Under the prudence and supervision of Mr.Swapan Kumar, Department of Economics all the financial matters are taken care of diligently.


Academic Achievement of Teachers: Teacher Quality is assured by recharging the faculty members in their own disciplines and on general professional competence through training programs like orientation courses, refresher courses, workshops, seminar, conferences and Faculty Development Programs both inside and outside the college. It is matter of great pride that the teaching staff besides working hard with students simultaneously pursued their intellectual interests to update their knowledge.


Dr.P.K.Malik: authored books Titled “  A Reference book on the theme Human Resource Management in India's Strategic Neighbourhood: Trends and Demographic Patterns ,Published by Jawahar Publisher & Distributors,15, DDA Market, BerSarai, Opp. JNU Old Campus, New Delhi -110066, with ISBN: 9788173613289 (30.06.2023)-National Publisher-.He also published a Research paper on the theme “National Education Policy2020and a blue print for inclusive Education” in International Journal of Education and Society  (Education and Society  )with ISSN-:2278-6864, Impact Factor: 6.718, UGC Care Approved Group Journal Group-I Journal , Education and Society- India- Blind Peer Reviewed and Refereed International Journal Vol..46, Issue II of July-September 2023.

Ms.ManishaLal attended an online one day workshop on NAAC requirement and Accreditation on 18th July 2023 and one day workshop on NEP on 19th July 2023organized by Kurukhetra University Kurukshetra. Sha also participated in a National seminar organized by Sakshi Malik Govt.College for Girls Mokhra (Rohtak) on 10th Jan 2024 and presented a paper, “Rural India as Portrayed by Kamala Markandya in her novel ‘Nectar in a Sieve.”  She has also published a paper ‘Effects of Catharsis with Special Reference to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s the Scarlet Letter” in IJRPR International Journal in Jan 2024.


Mrs.AbitaYadavattended a UGC sponsored online short term course on the topic ‘law and Society’ organized by Aligarh Muslim University from 18th to 24th November 2023. She attended a one day International seminar organized by Dept of Higher education Haryana on the theme Bhartiya sanskriti me yog ,Sangeet aur sahitya ka avdaan on 26th November 2023.She published a paper ‘Impact of Merger on NPAS of SBI in July 23 in IJAR journal. She has also published a paper in IJAR journal titled ‘Organic Food’s Export in India’ in November 2023. She also wrote a chapter: Importance of Sustainable Agriculture in India: In Sense of Export of Organic Food Items was published in a book Social well being in India: issues and remedies (ISBN: 978-81-968869-3-6)



Dr.ShaliniYadav attended a refresher course on the topic 'Indian Women: Issues and Challenges organized by HRDC Doctor Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, M.P in online Mode from 27th Oct 2023 to 9th Nov 2023. She published a paper in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Trends on the topic, “शिक्षा के समकालीन मुद्दे.” She also presented a paper on the topic “Made In India: Exploring the Dynamics of Manufacturing in world largest economy” on 22nd and 23rd February, 2024 in a National Seminar held at Smt. Aruna Asaf Ali Govt. P. G College, Kalka. She attended a one day work shop on NEP 2020 on 21st October 2023 organized by HRDC, Dr. Hari Singh God Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, MP. She also attended a one day workshop on Gender and Society and Sexual Harassment of women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) act 2013, held on 22nd November 2023.

Mrs.InduYadav participated and presented a paper in National seminar held at Government college Mokhra on “Rural development: Ways & Means” on 10th Jan 2024. She also presented a Paper in a national seminar held in G.C.Bawal on, “Sustainable development goals and challenges” as on 17th Feb 2024.

Mrs.Seema presented a paper titled “Self Reliant India Campaign: Need, Challenges and Opportunities” in a two days National Seminar Organized in Smt.Aruna Asaf Ali Govt. P.G College Kalka on 22nd and 23rd February 2024.

Mr.Sunil Kumar attended a national seminar held at Sakshi Malik Govt. College for Girls and presented a paper, “Analysis the rural development Programmes in India”on 10th January 2024. He Also Published a research paper in Peer Reviewed  International Journal of Research Publications and Reviews with ISSN -2582-7421, Vol-4 No 12 PP 3436-3439 in Dec 2023 Titled , “ Analysis of Hello Effects at the time of Evaluation of Students by Teachers in Higher Education”


Dr.Karuna presented a paper entitled “Waste Management” in a one day multidisciplinary national seminar on ‘Green and Clean Environment :Initiatives and Challenges’ Organized by Govt. P.G. College for Women,  Rohtak on 20th January, 2024.

Mrs.Suman published a Research paper on the topic, “Education for Sustainable Development” August-2023 in International journal of applied Research. She also published a research paper on the topic, "The Indian Constitution and Social Economic Justice of India." In October 2023 issue of Indian Journal of Applied Research. She published a Research paper In International journal of applied Research on the topic of NEP New Education Policy 2020 an Overview "in November 2023. She participated in an interactive workshop on "Gender and Society" and "Sexual Harassment of Women at work place act 2013” on 22nd November 2023 at Government College for Girls, Sector-52, Gurugram. She also presented a Research Paper in a One day Multidisciplinary National seminar on the topic “Sustainable development Goals and Challenges" and presented a Paper titled "The overview of The Digital India program” on 17th February 2024 at Government College Bawal, Rewari (Haryana).

Mr.Ashwani participated in a National Seminar on an Interdisciplinary Theme “Waste management -challenges and solutions” held on 20thJanuary 2024at Govt College for women Rohtak. He alsoparticipated in 5 days FDP on, “Navigating Entrepreneurship Landscape” held at Sushant University, Gurgaon from 2nd to 8th January 2024.


Ms. Suman Rani participated in a National Seminar on an Interdisciplinary Theme “Waste management -challenges and solutions” held on 20thJanuary 2024at Govt College for women Rohtak. She also participated in 5 days FDP on "Navigating entrepreneurship landscape, “held at Sushant University, Gurgaon from 2nd to 8thJanuary 2024.


Ms. Neeraja Singh attended a one day multidisciplinary seminar on 26th November 2023 at Govt College for Girls Sec-14 and presented a paper, “Sangeet avam Bhartiya Sanskriti.”  She also attended a one day seminar on 20th January 2024 at Govt Post Graduate College for Women Rohtak and presented a paper, “Disaster Management.”

Mrs.SapnaYadav paper presented at a national seminar on the topic “Disaster Management” held at Govt. P.G College for women, Rohtak on 20th January 2024. She also presented a paper at a National seminar on the topic “Environmental Ethics and Issues” held at Govt. College Bawal on 17th February 2024.


Mr.Krishan Kumar published a paper, “A comparative analysis on the role of gross domestic product and the gross national happiness as a growth rate measurement of a country,” on 4th December 2023 in the online platform ‘kindle’ direct publishing with ISBN no 978-93-5811-779-0.

Dr.Vibha attended a seminar at G.C Mokhra on 10th January 2024 and presented a paper “Gramin Parivesh me Nari ki Sthiti.” She also Presented a paper, “Disaster Management issues & Challenges” at G.C.W Rohtak on 20th January 2024.

College Magazine: The College Magazine Hemanti is published every year to showcase the creative talent of students and teachers. A large number of students and teachers contribute their articles, poems and their view points on current issues. Hemanti is a platform to hone the hidden talent of creative writing of students. Magazine is divided into three sections i.e. English, Hindi and Sanskrit. Each section has one teacher and one student editor. It provides an opportunity to the students to inculcate their literary interest. Ms.Manisha Lal is the Editor-in-Chief of the Magazine.


College Web Site: The College has its own website that allows a glimpse into entire working of the institution. It’s duly updated and provides ready information about the college, Staff courses, library admission, scholarship, latest updates and about various events happening in the college.




Cultural activities: The institute believes in the overall development of its students and to achieve this it provides ample opportunities to participate in creative activities while pursuing their academic goals. It’s a matter of great pride that each year our talented and hard working students have been creating new land marks in the field of literary and cultural activities. Our students participated in various Inter College Competitions like Slogan Writing, Poster Making, Rangoli, Collage Making, Pot Decoration ,Best out of Waste , Mehandi Competition, Folk Song, Geet /Bhajan/Ghazal Competitions held from 3rd to 5th November 2023 at the Youth Festival hosted by Dronacharya College of Engineering Khetawas- Farukh Nagar  in which our students participated and performed in many events. Our team scored the first position in the Short Film making, Second Position was achieved by our college in Haryanvi Orchestra, and our student scored Third Position in Sanskrit Shalokacharan competition. The contingent of Govt College Sidhrawali was awarded the First prize in the contingent parade category and our college also bagged the second prize in best slogan category.

Inter College Event-Innovation:  The prestigious inter College competition “Innovation” 2023-24 was held on 26th and 27th October 2023. This event provides an opportunity to the students to sharpen their skills and talents. This event gives them a chance to participate in multifarious activities. Following Competition like Drill Competition, Firing Competition, Map Reading competition, Weapon Knowledge Competition, NCC Quiz Contest, Rangoli, Poster Making, Pot decoration etc were held during the function.

Sports Activities: This Educational Institute has a very large playground where students can play multiple games of their interests. The college has sufficient sports equipment along with Gymnasium facilities. The students of the college have been consistently performing well since the inception of the college in different sports events. This year too our teams participated in many Inter College, National and State level competitions throughout the year. Annual Athletic meet was organized in the college on 07th& 08th February2024 in which. Shadab student of B.A Ist year was declared the best athlete (boys) and Ms.Sanjana of B.A.I, became the best athlete (girls). Mr.Yogesh Kumar of B.A III participated in Inter- University wrestling championship. Ms.Sanjana B.A.I, Ms.Priyanka of B.A.I, and Ms.Monica Yadav B.A. I took part in All India Inter University Athletics Competition held at KIIT & KISS –Kalinga Institute of Social Science, Kalinga University Bhuvneshwar. They won laurels for Government College Sidhrawali as well as Gurugram University Gurugram. It is a Matter of great pride that women’s kabbadi team of Government College Sidhrawali scored Ist position in Inter College Kabaddi Champion organised by Gurugram University Gurugram and men’s’ kabbadi team of Government College Sidhrawali bagged IIIrd position in Inter College Kabaddi Champion organised by Gurugram University Gurugram. Mr.Ganpat, B.Com III ,Mr.Sombir B.A.III, & Mr.Jatin B.A.III represented the Gurgram University in All India University Kabaddi Championship  held at Guru Kashi Universirty Bhatinda-Punjab.


NCC Activities: The motto of NCC is Unity and Discipline. This institution has one unit of 54 NCC Cadets. NCC cadets are trained under the constant guidance and supervision of Captain P.K.Malik. It is a matter of pride that during the current session 12 cadets of NCC were placed in defence, paramilitary and police forces. NCC cadets play a major role in maintaining discipline in college campus. N.C.C cadets celebrated Republic and Independence Day with fabulous march past in the college campus. In the current session 08 cadets were awarded with N.C.C ‘B’ certificate and 07 cadets qualified for NCC ‘C’ certificate.  A total of 10 N.C.C cadets took part in combined Annual Training Camp CATC (Cadre) at GSSS Dadauli from 20th to29th December 2023 and ten N.C.C cadets took part in combined Annual Training Camp at GP Lisana - Rewari from 16th to 25th August 2023. NCC Cadets celebrated National Yoga Day on 21st June of every year in college campus. Forty four NCC Cadets were enrolled under Swatch Bharat Summer Internship (SBSI) and completed their internship of 100 hours for Swatch Bharat Abhiyan by successfully carrying out activities such as rallies, poster making, slogan writing on the theme of Swatch Bharat, preparation of Compost Pit, Swatch Bharat Survey, planting trees etc in three adopted villages which are Rathiwas, Sidhrawali, and Bilaspur Khurd from 10th to 19th August 2023. NCC cadets of this college are doing a commendable job in and around areas. NCC Quarter Guard Ceremonial for Chief Guest was scheduled during the Prestigious Inter College Event “Innovation” held on26th and 27th October 2023.  The Teachers’ Day was celebrated on 05th September 2023. The celebration of Major Dhyan Chand National Sports day was held on 28th August 2023. Tree Plantation was carried out by NCC Cadets on the theme “One Tree One Cadet” around the year and 3100 saplings were planted in the campus on the day of Van Mahostav. Independence Day was celebrated at Institutional level by NCC Cadets. NCC cadets did a march past to show reverence to National Flag. Republic day was celebrated at Sports Stadium Manesar. NCC cadets performed a march past on 26th January 2024 in whichSh.Sanjay Singh MLA Sohnawas Chief Guest and Sh.RavinderYadav –HCS SDM Gurugram was the Guest of Honour

NSS Activities:There are two NSS Units one each for boys and girls functional in the institution. NSS Boys unit is headed by Sh.Yogesh Singh and Girls Units by Ms.Neeraja Singh. A Yuva Samwad Karyakram was organized by the NSS team on 26th July,2023. The students were shown the live telecast of NEP Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam on 29thJuly 2023.“Meri Mati Mera Desh Program “was organized from 14th August 2023 TO 16th August 2023.A blood donation camp was organized on 6th October 2023. Run for Unity was held on 31st October 2023. A one day NSS camp was held on 8th November 2023. The constitution day was celebrated on 26th November 2023 in the college. A One day NSS CAMP was organized on 6th February 2024. A Seven days NSS camp was organized in the college from 12th march 2024 to 18th March 2024 in the college. In this camp many informative lectures were organized, shramdaan was done, rallies were organized, sports and cultural programmes were organized to instill in the students the qualities of fellow well being and social service.

Women Cell: The aims and objectives of the women cell are to safeguard the rights of female students, and women staff members. It also provides a platform for redressal of their complaints and grievances. The Cell also tries to incorporate hygiene habits and ensure a healthy atmosphere in and around the college campus. Mrs.Suman is doing a commendable job by motivating the students and carrying out numerous activities to promote welfare of girl students. A beautician Workshop was organized from 9th January 2024 to 13thJanuary 2024. An Extension Lecture on the topic "Personal Hygiene" was organized on 18th January 2024 in which Dr.Sandeep had a talk with the students. An extension lecture on the topic of "Women Harassment at Work Place and Domestic Violence" was held on 30th January 2024. A self defense training program was organized on 2nd, 3rd and 5th February 2024 in the college to empower the girl students.

Placement Cell: Placement cell plays a formative role in shaping up the career goals of students. Keeping this key aspect into consideration, that awareness and training is important for students to enhance their employability skills for placement. It’s a matter of pride that during the current session 12 cadets of NCC were placed in defence, paramilitary and police forces. Four students of this institute took part in District level Zonal Placement fair held atGCW Sector-14, Gurugram on 09th February 2024.

Activities under Red Cross:A blood donation camp was organized at Government College Sidhrawali on 6th October 2023 by Youth Red Cross Club. A total of 38 students donated blood in this one day blood donation camp. The students were thoroughly examined before donating blood.

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan: Under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan a national program was launched by the MHRD, Govt. Of India to involve educational institutions in the development process of rural areas, Govt College Sidhrawali has adopted 5 villages which are Sidhrawali, Rathiwas, Bilaspur Khurd, Bilaspur Kalan and Rathiwas Jat for spreading awareness among villagers on water conservation, Cropping Patterns, Awareness about Soil Quality, Rain Water Harvesting, Wet Land Health Survey of the Selected Villages, Fluoride Content in Under Ground Water Survey, bio manure and plastic free India. This institution carried out many rallies and the primary survey of baseline data is under process.

Legal Literacy Cell: Four students participated in an online poster making competition organized by Govt. College for Girls, Padha on the topic “Viksit Bharat @2047- yehi samay hai, yahi samay hai.”Students participated in an online National level poster making competition on 26thJanuary 2024 at Government College for Girls Padha. A college level slogan writing competition was organized on 15th April 2024. An intra college poster making and essay writing competition was held on 19th April 2024. Our students participated in a district level competition for slogan writing, essay writing and speech competition on 28th April 2024 at Government College for Girls Sector-14, Gurugram and scored third position in essay writing competition

Road Safety Club: Under the aegis of Road safety club a quiz competition was organized on 13th October 2023.

Earn While you Learn Scheme: A Government of Haryana Funded scheme Earn While You Learn is a regular practice in the College. It intends to benefit genuinely needy but meritorious students by engaging them in different department’s labs and offices. This is an imitative to promote dignity of labor and self reliance in the students. In the current session 23 students gained financial help under this scheme. Our College received a grant of Rs, 40000/- under the Scheme during the session2023-24.

Education Tour: An educational cum excursion trip comprising of 47 girls and 47 boys Students of Arts, Science and commerce faculty was organized on5thFebruary 2024 to Surajkund Handicraft Mela, Faridabad. The students enjoyed and learned a lot during the trip.

Activities under Subject Societies: Different subject societies are working in the college to promote the students interest in the subject where they are encouraged to expand their horizons beyond the prescribed syllabus

Geography Society: Geography Society:

Dr.P.K.Malik Associate Professor in Geography Worked as Resource Person to Deliver an Extension Lecture on New Education Policy: Workshop for School Teachers on the theme “Earth in Solar System” organized by DIET Gurugram on 05th Sep 2023. Dr.P.K.Malik Associate Professor in Geography Worked as Resource Person to deliver an Extension Lecture on New Education Policy: Workshop for School Teachers on the theme “Motion of the Earth ”organized by DIET Gurugram on 06th Sep 2023. Dr.P.K.Malik Associate Professor in Geography Worked as Resource Person to Deliver an Extension Lecture on New Education Policy: Workshop for School Teachers on the theme “Earth in Solar System”organized by DIET Gurugram on 13th Sep 2023. Dr.P.K.Malik Associate Professor in Geography Worked as Resource Person to Deliver an Extension Lecture on New Education Policy:Workshop for School Teachers on the theme “Motion of the Earth” organized by DIET Gurugram on 14th Sep 2023. Geography Society of the College organised an Inter College event on the Theme “Innovation 2023-24” on 26-27 October 2023. Geography Society of the College organised Inter College Geography cum General Knowledge Quiz Contest ,Inter College Geography Map Entries Competition ,Inter College Geography Map Making Competition ,Inter College Geography Map and Geographical Features Identification Competition during Innovation. Geography Society of the College in reference to  E-mail received on April 10, 2023 from Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) regarding to make  Whatsapp groups for our UBA adopted villages (Sidhrawali, Rathiwas, Bhudka, Fakkarpur,Lokri) have been made on August 16, 2023, which includes UBA institute  Coordinator 1. Pradhan 2. KVK representatives of that district. 3. Some farmers.4.Some senior and respectable people.5.Self-help Groups.6.Non-profit organization (NGO)

English literary society: The students of BA 2nd were shown a movie based on the one act play The Monkey's Paw by W.W.Jacobs on 12th April 2023. The students of BA 2nd were also shown a movie based upon the one act play Before Breakfast by Eugene O'Neill on 21st April 2023.Tagore literary Society organized an Inter class power point presentation competition on 28th September 2023 for the students of BAI, II and III and B.Sc I. The students of BA III were shown a movie based on the novel Kanthapura on 20thNovember 2023. An inter college poetic recitation and calligraphy competitions were held by the English Department on 26th October 2023 during Innovation.

Hindi Literary Society: Hindi Diwas was celebrated by Hindi literary society on 14th September 2024 and poetic recitation, Bhashan Pratiyogita and Poetry writing competitions were held. An Extension lecture was organized on 22nd February 2024 in which Dr.Kamlesh Kumari of Central University of Haryana addressed the students on the topic of ‘Rajbhasha Rashtrabhasha ka Anter sambandh’ and ‘Jiwan me Martra bhasha ka Mahtav’

Mathematics Society: Organized an inter college poster competition under Ramanujan Mathematical society on 26th October, 2023.

Economics Society: Organized an essay writing and speech competition on 15th Sep 2023on the topic “भारत के अध्यक्षता में जी-20 सम्मेलन. An essay writing and speech competition was organized on 15th September 2023 by the economics society.

Commerce Society:  A debate was organised by commerce department society as on 28th September 2023. An Inter college quiz was organised on 26th Oct 2023 by commerce society. A lecture was organised by commerce society on 16th January 2024in which Ms.Samidha from  Amity University  spoke on the importance and scope of the professional courses like ‘4.0’ M.B.A.

Political science: Political Science subject society "Darpan-A mirror for self analysis and society" organized an essay writing and speech competition on 15th Sep 2023 on the topic भारत के अध्यक्षता में जी-20 सम्मेलन” in collaboration with Economics department.

Sanskrit society: A Shloko uccharan Competition was held on 11th September 2023. A Shloka uccharan Competition was held on 26th Oct 2023 in Innovation. A Shlok Path competition was held on 23rd December 2023 on the occasion of Geeta Jayanti. A shloka uccharan event was held on 12th January 2023 during the college fest Aaghaz.

Memorandum of Understanding: A memorandum of understanding was signed on 1st January 2024 between college and Literacy India, Core  Office, Village Bajghera, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon, 122017 registered under Indian Trust Act 1860 to help train the students on future skills like coding, digital marketing, web designing and developing computational skills.

Future Plans: To achieve new horizon and to take our institution to greater heights we would like to draw your attention to few of our requirements. We are working towards getting permission from the authorities for new classrooms in the college. We also need one auditorium, seminar hall, new building, and sports complex. In future for the welfare of students we want to introduce certificate courses and Post Graduation courses in Commerce, Hindi, Geography and English.

To Conclude: It is with heartfelt thanks to the God Almighty, I have placed on record the achievements of the academic year 2023-24. The institution in its march towards excellence has been flexible to incorporate new trends and accommodate other demands. As an institution we are trying to contribute towards its well being and progress, the Teaching, Non – teaching staff and a host of well wishers. At the culmination of the Annual report, we express our never ending gratitude to the omnipresent almighty God who has been there with us in all our endeavors. It is He who gives us the wisdom to channelize our energy and effort in molding the youth of the nation and helps us pave a way where there seems to be no way and sail effortlessly through all situations.